Many people with chronic back issues have found acupuncture for back pain quite effective. This chronic issue, which is common among modern people could aggravate, if not handled properly.
This ancient Chinese physical therapy has gained popularity in recent times. This well-researched method of managing pain involves inserting needles at various points on the body, through the skin. These tiny metal objects do not cause any pain, harm or discomfort.
An experienced professional would target energy points called meridians, for treatment. The most common points that the experts would concentrate for back pain include:
• Back of the knee points
• Lower back points
• Hand points
• Hip points
• Stomach points
The points would differ with the problem location as well. For upper back, the meridians would be around head, neck, shoulder and upper back. Stimulating these points would mean that energizing the nervous system, which could help in relieving pain.
Soreness, bruising and minor bleeding are minor side effects of this process, which could clear up in a few days. It poses little to no risk to overall health.